Junior lawyer

Город: Кишинев
Образование: Высшее
Опыт работы: Можно без опыта
Зарплата: Не указана
График: Полный рабочий день
We are a law firm specialized in corporate law, being business oriented.
We provide quality and professional legal assistance in such areas as: business operations, commerce, investment, real estate, tax, employment, regulatory sector, litigation, alternative dispute resolution (mediation and arbitration), administrative law, etc.

We are expanding our team:
We need you if you are a person that:
- Have an University degree in law (last year university students are also eligible);
- Fluent in English, Russian, Romanian (both written and spoken);
- Possess analytical and problem-solving skills;
- Have the ability to perform complex activities and analysis.

If you will join our team:
˗ You will have the possibility to become a trainee lawyer within the Bureau;
˗ You will gain professional experience;
˗ You will have good working conditions, fair bonuses for hard work and dedication.

All eligible candidates shall send an e-mail attaching a CV to the following e-mail address: hr@dp.md

All data contained by e-mails sent to the above mentioned e-mail address will be stored and processed only for the period of time necessary to select a candidate. Afterwards, all e-mails containing personal data will be destroyed (deleted). By sending an e-mail and a CV, the applicant consents for his personal data to be processed according to the Law no.133/08.07.2011. Please do not send applications in case you do not agree for your personal data to be processed for the purposes mentioned above. Do note that the Employer is registered as a personal data operator with the National Centre for Personal Data Protection.
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