
Город: Кишинев
Образование: Высшее
Опыт работы: От 2-х до 5-и лет
Зарплата: Не указана
График: Полный рабочий день
Memmingerllp is looking for a lawyer in Chisinau that is ready to be a part our team and be able to move to Malta.
The candidates should meet the following:
- how many years have they worked us a lawyer? in which areas?
- do they have experience in M&A, Private Equity and/or VC? how many years? which transactions have they advised on? what role did they play? (we want to better understand if they only did due diligence, or also drafted documents)?
-what is their current job position?
-how many hours per week do they need to work on average?
-How much of their work was in English?
-Do they also speak German?
-Have they studied or worked abroad? Where?
-How good have they been in university?
-What do they earn now (we reserve the right to demand a copy of their last income declaration - otherwise you will hear phantasy numbers).
-What do they expect to earn now?
Family status.

Please send us a resume with a cover letter with the questions above.
We will schedule the interview next week.
+373 601 11 601
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